Mobile banking application Ibank Mobile



  • Checking the account balance

  • Checking details by bank products

  • Checking the movement by accounts and authorizations on debit and credit cards

  • Checking maturities of deposits and accrued interest

  • Monitoring of approaching or paid loan instalments

  • Visualization of payment orders

  • Multibanking - adding accounts from other financial institutions



In order to prevent unauthorized actions, the following security rules and restrictions have been imposed:

  • You must be registered for the Internet banking service from Investbank AD and have a username and password
  • Login to the application - after the first login with a username you can enter an access code (PIN) or login with biometric data (available for both supported operating systems)
  • During the registration process, a "Static Password" is set, which subsequently confirms the payments
  • For security reasons, up to three mobile devices can be registered to one user name at a time.
User guide

The registration process has several steps

1. Download the IBANK Mobile application from your store and install it. After installation, the "Activation" button will appear. Switch to your Internet banking, and it will be most convenient to access it from a computer.

2. Registration of your mobile phone in Internet banking. This is a process of pairing your Internet banking account with the Ibank Mobile mobile application. Log in to your Internet banking and press the settings menu by selecting the Ibank Mobile submenu. Follow the steps described and generate a QR code for pairing.

3. Once you have generated the QR code, click the "Activation" button in Ibank Mobile and scan the generated QR code. Or press manual entry and rewrite the 16-digit number written above the QR code.

4. After scanning the QR code or entering the 16-digit code manually, the application will ask you to enter your username in Internet banking.

5. After the system verifies your username, you will be asked to create and confirm a 6-digit login PIN.

6. After creating the login PIN, you have completed the activation of Ibank Mobile and you can use it. 

Technical requirements

Technical requirements

To install the mobile application, the operating program version of your phone must meet the following requirements:
For Android:
Minimum version - Android 8.0
For iOS:
Minimum version - 12.3
After a successful installation, you can delete the installation file.
Frequently Asked Questions

Download from your mobile store