Consumer loan

Consumer loan


  • Loan amount: Up to BGN 120 000 or the equivalent in EUR
  • Repayment scheme: in equal monthly (annuity) installments or in decreasing installments
  • Long repayment period - up to 10 years


Current needs



Minimum amount

BGN 500 or the equivalent in EUR

Maximum amount

For clients with proven net income at least BGN 2,400 - up to BGN 60,000 or the equivalent in EUR. For clients with net income over BGN 700 incl. and from pension - up to BGN 40,000 or the equivalent in EUR; For clients with net income below BGN 700 incl. and from pension - up to BGN 20,000 or the equivalent in EUR For clients - pensioners with income only from pension - up to BGN 25,000.

Minimum term

12 month

Interest rate

According to the interest rate bulletin


The customers who can apply for a consumer loan must meet simultaneously the following conditions: They must be legally capable and qualified natural persons pursuant to the applicable Bulgarian legislation, who are Bulgarian citizens having a permanent residence in Bulgaria and proven income, including from a pension; Pensioners are necessarily required to receive their pension at an account at the Bank; For pensioners who do not live in their own home (pursuant to the data declared in their Loan Application), the required minimum amount of the Borrower's pension must be more than 50% of the minimum salary for the country at the time of submitting the loan application. For pensioners who live in their own home this restriction is not applicable; The other borrowers must meet the mandatory condition to have the account of the borrower credited with a minimum amount no less than the monthly loan installment +20%, if the customer has chosen not to have a full transfer of salary/other regular monthly transfer.

*The annual percentage rate of charge stands at 7,84% for loans at the amount of BGN 10 000, with repayment term of 10 years and floating interest rate at the amount of 12M EURIBOR + markup, but no less than 5,34% and with the use of interest rate bonuses for salary transfer, credit card use and "Invest Optima +" package.  The calculations take into account the following expenses:  review fee - BGN 75, risk assessment fee - BGN 25, Invest Optima+ package monthly fee - BGN 5,99 and monthly credit card fee - EUR 1. The monthly installment stands at BGN 107.74 exclusive of monthly fees.  With the fees included the monthly installments stand at BGN 119.02, as well as with included costs for the Accident and Sickness insurance of the borrower.  The total amount due for repayment stands at BGN 14 222.44 including the cost of fees and the Accident and Sickness insurance.