Loan for individuals with pledge of monetary funds

Loan for individuals with pledge of monetary funds


  • Repayment term - 10 years
  • Overdraft loan - up to 24 months with a renewal option
  • Credit limit to a credit card - up to 24 months with a renewal option
  • Fixed interest rate
  • Up to 90% of the collateral value


Loan or overdraft for current needs to a current account with/without issued debit card or for a
credit card. In this way you receive unrestricted cash without a breach of the terms under the
existing term deposits.



Maksimum term
  • Overdraft loan - up to 24 months with a renewal option
  • Credit limit to a credit card - up to 24 months with a renewal option.
Maximum amount
  • Up to 90% of the collateral value
  • If the deposit has an advance payment of the interest - up to 80% of the collateral
  • If one of the currencies - of the loan or of the collateral is USD - up to 80% of the
    collateral value.
Fees and commissions

All fees are pursuant to the Tariff of terms, interest rates, fees and commissions
applied by Investbank JSC.

  • Consumer loan - one-time repayment at the maturity date, by monthly payment of due
    interest rates or by a repayment scheme - at the customer's choice.
  • Overdraft loan - in overdraft mode for the term of loan repayment. The interest rates
    on the loan are payable on a monthly basis.